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Some High Power and Mid Power Rocket Launches (April 2022)

National Association of Rocketry club launch - CMASS, in Amesbury, Massachusetts. The first launch of the season was short. I didn't even launch anything myself, but I did get a few good shots of rockets lifting off.

Here we see 1) an Estes Mega Der Red Max flying on an H high power motor, 2) a Level 1 high power certification flight by a college team (Tufts, I think, or maybe MIT) with a rocket whose name I didn't catch, 3) an Estes Skylab Saturn V with a slow, majestic liftoff on an E motor, 4) an AeroTech Mustang on an AeroTech F, 5) an Executioner clone, and finally 6) a big, fat V-2 flying on a Cesaroni I motor.

Visit my Etsy shop for rocketry and space-themed merch - t-shirts, coffee mugs, and more. Use the promo code ROCKETTUBE for 10% off your first purchase: https://www.etsy.com/shop/RocketN00b

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